Anova Defense
Our production skill that began in 2013 has advanced to make prototype and serial production and machining of especially Anova R&D designs.
Our production skill that began in 2013 has advanced to make prototype and serial production and machining of especially Anova R&D designs.
Net Processing Dimensions:
X Axis: 700mm;
Y Axis: 600mm;
Z Axis: 500mm;
-65 / + 120 degrees cradle movement;
Main Spindle: 20,000 rpm, 120Nm, HSK-A63;
CT60 DELFIN 5 pallet pool automation;
HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 HSCI FS 5 Axis Simultaneous Control Unit
1020 mm*660 mm*635 mm net work range 12000 rpm/22 kW spindle motor,
qualified to provide 21 bar inner coolant RENISHAW tool ve part measuring probe,
24+1 tool capacity ATC (Automatic Tool Changer) mill.
1020 mm*508 mm*635 mm net work range, 10000 rpm/22 kW spindle motor,
prepared to provide 21 bar inner coolant,
equipped with HAAS HRT-210 simultaneous work featured 4th axis,
24+1 tool capacity ATC (Automatic Tool Changer) mill.
*Control units of both mills are qualified to support 5 axis simultaneous work.
1270 mm*710 mm*610 mm net work range 12000 rpm/18,5 kW spindle motor qualified to provide 20 bar inner coolant, equipped with GSA 250R simultaneous work featured 4th axis, 30+1 tool capacity ATC (Automatic Tool Changer) mill.
1020mm*510mm*510mm net processing capacity,
11kW BT40 working mill,
24 tool capacity ATC(Automatic Tool Changer) mill
8″ Mirror,
Maximum Turning Diameter: 500mm,
Maximum Diameter Lathe: 240mm,
Maximum Lathe Length: 340mm,
Tool Capacity: 65mm
TSUGAMI (Japan) B0326E-II CNC Sliding Automatic Lathe
Bar feed-in capacity between 3-32 mm diameter.
320 mm maximum process length
main and auxiliary axis maximum 8000 speed.
It is a very skilled mill with its active process tools and options in axises.
ZEISS (Germany) brand CONTURA G2-RDS (rotating head probe system) model CMM device is used for Quality Control-CMM Measurement purposes. Device has 1000 mm*1600 mm*600 mm net measurement range and 1.9 micron+(l/300mm) micron measurement uncertainty qualifications.
Due to rotating head probe system (A and B axis 360 degree rotation), it can measure pieces that can be hardly measured.