

Anova Products

Environmental Conditioning Unit

Environmental Conditioning Unit (ECU) is designed in order to respond cooling and heating requirement of laser targetting pod, the new generation, multi-sensor targeting pod designed for war air-crafts.

Aerospace and Military Grade Fans Product Family

Military electric fans are used to supply the required airflow rates to achieve high cooling rates in low volume and weights.

Air Cycle Machine

Air Cycle Machine (ACM) is used in electronic POD’s that are assembled to aircrafts, to provide cooling for electronic equipment. When flying, RAM air that has relatively high pressure and temperature is cooled in turbine by expansion.

Ammunition Flex Chute Family

100% locally designed and produced Ammunition Flex Chute is a product that a few producers in the world and imported by defense industry companies in our country.

Gerotor Hydraulic Pump

Gerotor Hydraulic Pump is a compact and highly productive positive displacement pump developed for military aviation practices.

Fuel Transfer Pump

Initiated under the auspices of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries as a Technology Development Liability Project, the Fuel Transfer Pump is a centrifugal pump that allows transfer of fuel to earlier elected part or directly to the motor fuel inlet port which can be compatible with JP-10 in high flow and low pressures.

Heating Cooling Unit

Heating Cooling Unit (HCU) is an environmental conditioning unit that is designed in accordance with relative standards, using vapour compression cycle to condition temperature of marine laser systems.

Solenoid Valve

Scope of the project was the renewal and development of Solenoid Valves that control the leveling system of Oerlikon howitzers.

Military AC/DC Converter Family

Power management carries great importance for in all systems. Power electronics basically examines energy control and transformation of energy forms into each other.

Air Cooled Oil Cooler

The Heat Exchanger is designed for aviation platforms. Heat in one oil line is cooled by air. Total heat dissipation capacity is 2 kW. Heat exchanger is poduced by vacuum brazing method for high reliability and long service life.

Laser Weapon Cooling System

Liquid Cooling System designed for ground based laser weapon systems. Liquid coming from 3 different lines is cooled by vapor compresion cycle and recycled to the platform. System cools the 3 lines up to 7,5 kW.

Radar Liquid Cooling System

Designed for air platform radars. Performs liquid cooling by using platform's ECS or Ram air. Smart liquid cooling system measuring liquid's temperature, pressure and guantity and makes necessary warnings to the platform. Uses PAO as the liguid, provides cooling up to 4,5 kW.

Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler

The Heat Exchanger is designed for aviation platforms. Heat in three oil lines is cooled by fuel. Total heat dissipatiion capacity is 34 kW. Heat exchanger is produced by vacuum brazing method for high reliability and long service life.

Navigation Product Family

Small size and light weight digital magnetic compass, calibrated with advanced systems in accordance with military standards, has been developed for high precision and accuracy in harsh environmental conditions.

5 Hole Prop

Our prob combines high performance and durability to accurately track uninterrupted airflow up to 0.9 Mach while maintaining its high precision measurement capability. Its design ensures reliable results in both horizontal and vertical components, under any flight condition.